Sabbath gives us a beautiful picture of a God who loves us so much that He has set
aside special time each week to spend with us! This time reminds us of who He is, of the
special relationship we have together, and of where He wants to take us!! 1. Who is the Creator of all things? 2. What is the Creator's relationship to the Sabbath? Spending special Sabbath time with our Friend, Jesus, each week reminds us that He made this world and everything in it (including us--and the Sabbath). It is sort of like a weekly birthday celebration. Sabbath helps us acknowledge and appreciate the power and majesty of our Friend! 3. What additional reason does Deuteronomy 5:12-15 gives us to remember this special Sabbath time (notice especially vs.15--this passage is a repeat of the command given in Exodus 20 with this important addition). 4. Are the Israelites the only ones who need freedom from slavery? Some have said that the Sabbath was for the Israelites (Jews), but God made it at creation, 2,500 years before Abraham (the first Jew) was even born. Man has needed freedom from the slavery of sin since Adam and Eve believed Satan's lies and chose not to trust their Friend, Jesus. From the beginning until now, Sabbath has been a reminder that Jesus is both our Creator and Savior!! As illustrated by the story of the boy and his sailboat, the Sabbath is a message from Jesus saying to us, " Now you're twice mine..." 5. If Jesus had nothing more to say to us through a special Sabbath time than what we have already discovered, it would be great news--but it gets even better! What problem is common to all of us as people?
6. How does this problem relate to the Sabbath? 7. Webster defines the word sanctify as "to make holy, to purify." Is a Christ-like life your responsibility or His? Part of the good news of the Sabbath is that not only will Jesus free you from the guilt of sin--He will free you from its power as well! Jesus not only offers you a "car for no money down," He promises to "make the payments" for you!! Sabbath is a reminder that our Friend, Jesus, is our Sanctifier. 8. What does Jesus promise you in Matthew 11:28 Many passages in Scripture which refer to the Sabbath mention rest. Jesus is the Rest-giver. Sabbath is a symbol of depending on Him. When we "remember the Sabbath day" we remember the power and majesty of our Friend, the Creator; we remember the love of our Friend, the Savior; we remember the strength of our Friend, the Sanctifier. Sabbath reminds us that we can truly rest because our hope is not in ourselves, but in the Lord of the Sabbath!!
WE PROMISE: We will NOT visit, phone, mail, or otherwise harass you. YOU will initiate
any interaction. Lesson 12 - Questions |