What Happens When We Die?Lesson eight concluded with a description of the glorious second coming of Jesus as
He returns for His friends. But what about those who have died while waiting for His
return? Where are they when He comes and what has happened to them since they were laid to
rest? This lesson takes a look at what we can learn from the Bible concerning those
questions. 1. According to John 6:40 how and when do we receive eternal life? 2. According to 1 Thessalonians 4:1317 what hope do we have that helps us deal with death and sorrow as we wait for Jesus to come back?
4. Who gets to live forever, and who doesn't? Notice there are only two choices (they are opposites), perish or everlasting life. When we talk about death, we are commonly referring to the loss of life on this planet. When God talks about death, He is referring to something that has not yet happened to anyone. 5. According to Matthew 16:27 does man go to his reward (good or bad) at death or at Jesus' second coming? (see also 1 Thessalonians 4:17 & 5:23) 6. What happens to the spirit, soul and body of those who "fall asleep" now? Ecclesiastes 12:7 7. What does the Bible mean when it refers to "spirit?" Job 27:3 8. So what is taken away, or returns to God at death? Psalms 104:29 9. What is the soul? Genesis 2:7.
10. According to Psalms 146:4 is there anything conscious about man in death? In the NIV Bible it indicates that when a person dies, their "plans come to nothing." The Hebrew word which is translated as "plans" in this verse is "eshtonah" which actually means thoughts or thinking. A more accurate translation would be that when a person dies, their thinking or thoughts cease. 11. According to Ecclesiastes 9:56 & 10 do the dead have any thoughts or feelings to communicate with us?
This was the devil's lie. Believing this deception could lead one to conclude that God doesn't mean what he says (death is not the consequence of sin). It could also prepare the way for Satan to introduce other lies about God by pretending to bring us messages from the dead. 13. What did Jesus call what we call death? 14. What did Paul call what we call death? 1 Thessalonians 4:1318. Don't ever forget that Jesus called it sleep! As mentioned on page 1, sleep is not bad! Especially when Jesus is the One who wakes you. 15. Who is the Resurrection and the Life? John 11:2526 It's good news that one day in heaven, Jesus will say to the angels, "Our
friends on earth are sleeping. Let's go! I'm going to wake them up!" He is coming
back for His friends.
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