Daily BitesWhen you find a new friend, you often spend a lot of time together just getting to know each other. You may eat meals together, play together, study together, walk together, laugh together-and spend lots of time talking together! Why not try an experiment this week. Pick one day (or maybe two or three) and for that day make it a point to talk to Jesus about everything you do. Talk to Him when you first get up, as you shower, as you walk from place to place, as you work or sit in classes, as you ... (you get the idea)! Pray about this-ask Jesus to remind you that He is right with you each step of your day! What do you say to Him? Just tell Him what you are doing, how you feel about it, your dreams and fears for the day--talk to Him as a Friend. And then, listen for impressions He may put into your mind. Remember, you are spending time with Jesus each day to get to know Him as a friend, not just to put in time!
Passages for This WeekLesson 3 - Daily Bites Copyright © 1995, Lee Venden and Thure Martinsen |