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A student was startled to hear voices as he walked past a cemetery late one night. On the other side of a hedge two bums, whom he could not see, were dividing a number of walnuts they had gathered. "One for you and one for me," they kept saying, "One for you and one for me." Listening from behind the hedge, his imagination got the best of him and he wondered if the Devil and God were dividing the souls of the dead. Suddenly his heart skipped a beat and he took off like a frightened bird as one of the voices said, "Don't forget about that one over by the bushes."

In this lesson we will take a look at the judgment and how Jesus plans to take care of His friends when that time comes.

1. What does the Bible teach about the reality of a final judgment? Judge

2. Who is the Judge? Look for the answer in the following texts:

3. Who is the prosecuting attorney, the one who accuses?

If your Bible has a marginal reference, you will find that it refers you to Zechariah 3:1-2 and Job 1:8-11. Check those verses out to come up with the accuser's name.

The book of Job makes it clear that Satan has accused God of being unfair. He claims that Christians only serve and obey God for the blessings they hope to receive. God's claim is that His government is based on love and that His followers serve and obey Him as a natural response to His love.

4. What does the judgment appear to be based on?

5. What do our actions say about God?

GrapesGood fruit is a reflection on the Gardener. The reason this is so, is that the Gardener (not the vines or branches) is the one responsible for the health of the garden. Those who visit beautiful Butchart Gardens in British Columbia, marvel and comment on the botanical and artistic touch of those responsible for the beautiful combinations of living color and design. They don't praise the flowers for arranging themselves in such an attractive manner. Someone cares for the garden and it shows!

6. What sort of care and responsibility does Jesus take for his friends?

In earlier lessons, we discovered that we can't produce obedience, but God promises to take care of that for those who continue to maintain a friendship relationship with Him. Since that is true, our actions reveal whether or not we know Jesus.

7. According to Romans 8:1, If you are in a relationship with Jesus, what is your standing with God?

8. Lessons 1 & 8 referred to three "judgment stories" Jesus told (see Matthew 7:21-23; 25:1-12 and Luke 13:24-30). In each case, what do those who were "let in" have in common?

9. At the judgment, what actually happens to those who have a relationship with Jesus? Consider John 5:24.

The good news about the judgment is that if you know Jesus:

  • He promises to take care of the changes needed in our lives (fruit)!
  • He assures you that you are not condemned!
  • He sees to it that you don't even face the judgment!

We hope you have found this lesson spiritually uplifting. If you would like to correspond with someone to help you better understand or apply the material we would be happy to hear from you.

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Lesson 10 - Questions
Copyright © 1997, Lee Venden and Thure Martinsen